Plitko, moderno, oslobađa prostor

Podžbukna instalacija u prostoru tuša i kade

Gradite novu kupaonicu ili želite renovirati postojeću? Ovdje vam donosimo mnoštvo mogućnosti koje pruža upravljački sustav tuša ugrađen u zid. Podžbukna instalacija u prostoru tuša i kade vrlo je moderna i laka za rukovanje. Zahvaljujući minimalističkim obilježjima sve djeluje lijepo „pospremljeno”. A vi? Uživate u potpunoj slobodi pokreta prilikom tuširanja ili kupanja.

Što je podžbukna instalacija i kada je preporučljiva

Dosad ste se u prostoru tuša i kade koristili nadžbuknom miješalicom ili termostatom? Takvi klasični sustavi za upravljanje vodom imaju mnogo prednosti, primjerice mogu se lako zamijeniti, što je idealno za brzo renoviranje. Njihova mana: relativno su veliki i istureni. U malim kupaonicama oduzimaju dragocjeno mjesto.

Neka se tehnika miješalica elegantno izgubi u zidu

Zar ne bi bilo lijepo kada bismo sve elemente armature za koje ne želimo da se vide (cijevi, veliki regulatori ili poluge) jednostavno sakrili ispod žbuke? Naravno. No za to se mora razbijati zid. Zbog toga se podžbukne instalacije prvenstveno preporučuju kod novogradnji ili opsežnijeg renoviranja. Važno: za to vam je potreban stručnjak za sanitarnu opremu.

Pregled prednosti podžbuknih termostata i miješalica:

  • Reducirani upravljački sustav tuša tek neznatno strši iz zida. Time se postiže vrlo moderan i uredan izgled prostora.
  • Više ne morate paziti na to da se ne udarite prilikom tuširanja ili kupanja. Zapravo dobivate više slobodnog prostora, veću udobnost i više uživanja u vodi.
  • Taj plus za slobodu kretanja bez prepreka idealan je za generacijsku kupaonicu.
  • Vidljivi dijelovi podžbuknih termostata ne zagrijavaju se; općenito ne postoji opasnost od vrućih ploha. To je prije svega idealno ako u kućanstvu žive djeca i/ili starije osobe.
  • Maleni upravljački sustavi nisu samo vizualno privlačni i pouzdani, nego su i lakši za održavanje od velikih tijela slavina.
  • Na hansgrohe iBox universal, koji kod podžbukne instalacije služi kao osnovni komplet, može se naknadno uvijek postaviti upravljački element modernijeg dizajna ili s proširenim funkcijama.

Upravljački sustav tuša s mnoštvom raznolikih funkcija i dizajna

Obilje inačica u segmentu podžbuknih proizvoda hansgrohe pruža vam neslućene mogućnosti za uređenje kupaonice. Otkrijte koliko je mnogo funkcija i dizajna dostupno – zasigurno ćete se iznenaditi. Ovisno o opremljenosti kupaonice (ručni tuš, nadglavni tuš, sustav za tuširanje i drugo), svrsi ili sklonostima, odlučite se za standardnu pipu ili termostat. Oni se mogu univerzalno kombinirati sa svim tuševima hansgrohe. Unaprijedite kupaonicu upravljačkim sustavom tuša u boji kroma ili sa crnom/bijelom staklenom površinom te birajte zaobljeni, uglati ili Soft-Cube dizajn.

The advantages of concealed thermostats and faucets at a glance

More room to move in the shower thanks to the concealed installation thermostat.
Concealed installation shower faucets and thermostats ensure more room to move in the shower and offer a tidy look. Pictured: ShowerSelect Comfort.
  • The stripped-back shower control sits snug against the wall to create a highly modern, tidy look.
  • No more need to worry about bumping into things when in the shower or bath tub. Enjoy more space, comfort and a better experience with water.
  • The added freedom of movement and accessibility are ideal for the multi-generational bathroom.
  • The visible parts of concealed thermostats do not overheat, so there is no general danger of excessively hot surfaces. Perfect! Especially if there are children and/or senior citizens living in the house.
  • The small control units look great, are dependable and are easier to clean and maintain than large faucet bodies.
  • With the hansgrohe iBox universal 2, which serves as a basic set in the concealed installation, you can later add the controls in a more modern design or with advanced functions. 

Shower control with a massive variety of functions and designs

The range of hansgrohe concealed installation models offers you untold possibilities in bathroom design. You’ll be amazed to discover how many functions and designs there are. Decide on faucets or thermostats based on the purpose, your preferences and your bathroom fittings (hand shower, overhead shower, shower system, etc.). The thermostat or faucet can be universally combined with all hansgrohe showers. Pick a shower control in a round, square or SoftCube design. Or create unique accents in your bathroom with FinishPlus colors and surface finishes.

Postupak: instalacija podžbuknog rješenja u novu kupaonicu

Podžbukna instalacija uz hansgrohe iBox universal i tehnologiju Select

Kada se odlučite za podžbuknu instalaciju, stručnjak za sanitarnu opremu najprije u zid ugrađuje provjereno osnovno kućište iBox universal marke hansgrohe. Na njega potom montira podžbuknu miješalicu ili podžbukni termostat. Oba elementa opremljena su prvorazrednom tehnologijom karakterističnom za proizvode hansgrohe i dugotrajnim mehaničkim ventilima koji rade potpuno bez struje.

Upravljanje sada postaje sasvim lako: podžbukna montaža uz hansgrohe Select

Intuitivni koncept rukovanja i dizajna Select pokazao se kao osobito elegantan i prilagođen korisnicima u segmentu podžbuknih instalacija. Kod nagrađivanih termostata i miješalica ShowerSelect pritiskom tipke mogu se uključiti i isključiti do četiri izvora vode. I vrsta mlaza tuša mijenja se jednim jednostavnim klikom. Na izbor su dostupni:

  • miješalica ShowerSelect – za vodove sa stabilnim tlakom vode, dostupna s ergonomski oblikovanom ručkom
  • termostat ShowerSelect – za konstantnu temperaturu vode, s praktičnom metalnom drškom
  • termostat ShowerSelect – s ugrađenim priključkom za crijevo i držačem tuša.

Učiniti staro novim: renoviranje kupaonice s osnovnim kućištem iBox universal

FAQs about concealed installation

What exactly is the iBox universal and how does it work?

The iBox universal 2 is the base set for almost all hansgrohe pre-fab sets. The base set is installed in the wall in new builds or renovations and guarantees a safe and stable water flow. Your chosen thermostat or preferred shower faucet is the final element to be added to the iBox universal 2. You can read a brief summary of all the key information on how the iBox universal 2 works here. Please note: The iBox universal 2 must be installed by a competent specialist partner.

Something has gone wrong during installation of the iBox Universal. What do I do?

At hansgrohe, we have a solution for everything and are happy to help. Please contact us.

Is the iBox universal 2 watertight?

Yes. The iBox universal 2 and pre-fab sets go a step further: They’re sound-insulated, meaning the flow of water during showers or bathing is very quiet.

How long does the guarantee on your product last?

hansgrohe offers you a voluntary warranty of five years. If your product is already much older than that, don’t worry. If something goes wrong later on, you can get spare parts from us that you can easily use as replacements (with standard tools). We guarantee 15 years of availability for spare parts.

I have an old iBox Universal 1 and want to modernize. What are my options?

The tried-and-tested iBox Universal 1 basic set (from 2001) fits most hansgrohe thermostats and concealed installation faucets. Your sanitation expert can replace the old faucets for a modern solution without having to change anything behind the wall. To use the new ShowerSelect Comfort and DuoTurn pre-fab sets, an upgraded concealed installation is required. The iBox universal 2 will be installed in place of the old basic set here.

We also have solutions for iBox products from the 1990s (or older) and are happy to provide you with the details.

Can my old shower faucets fit on the new iBox universal 2?

Yes. When used with an adapter plate (article no. 13588000), the iBox universal 2 is compatible with older prefabricated shower, bath tub and thermostat sets.

Are there concealed installation solutions for five consumers or water sources?

Of course! hansgrohe offers concealed installation RainSelect thermostats for two to five consumers. So you can control an overhead shower with up to three spray modes, the matching hand shower and a shoulder shower, if you have one. To control the shower with RainSelect, you will need the RainSelect basic set.

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